Editorial Staff's articles

A team of journalists and professionals in communication and institutional relations. The editorial staff of The Watcher Post, led by Piero Tatafiore, follows and reports on EU and member states' institutional, socio-economic and industrial developments. The Watcher Post and its editorial staff hold the same belief that Charles Foster Kane had about his "Inquirer" in Citizen Kane: "I've got to make the New York Inquirer as important to New York as the gas in that light."

By Editorial Staff | 24 July 2024

The new structure of the EP committees and subcommittees

Of the 24 committees and subcommittees in the European Parliament, 8 are allocated to the EPP, 5 to S&D, 4 to Renew Europe, 3 to ECR and the Greens, and 2 to The Left. No committees were assigned to the Patriots for Europe and Europe of Sovereign Nations.

By Editorial Staff | 23 July 2024

Geothermical energy like never before, in Budapest

During the informal Energy Council of 16th and 17th July, EU ministers discussed about the decarbonisation process with a particular stress for the geothermical subject….

By Editorial Staff | 22 July 2024

The Gymnich moves to Brussels in a symbolic way to slam Orban’s misstep

The decision to hold in Brussels the informal Foreign Affairs meeting initially planned to take place in Budapest and scheduled at the end of August will shut down the saga that sparked with the visit of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to Russia in early July.

By Editorial Staff | 19 July 2024

Hungarian presidency puts the agriculture first

The first Agriculture and Fisheries Council under the Hungarian presidency took place this week. It made clear that one of the priority of the Hungarian…

Salone del Libro
By Editorial Staff | 12 July 2024

Goodbye ID, welcome patriots and sovereigns

The European Parliament has changed: the Identity and Democracy group (ID) has been replaced by the “Patriots for Europe” (PFE), a new far-right group that includes 84 MEPs from 12 delegations, and Europe of Sovereign Nations (ESN), the newest group of all, with 25 MEPs from 8 delegations.

By Editorial Staff | 11 July 2024

AI, MEPs call for citizen involvement in drafting ethical codes

Members of the European Parliament Brando Benifei, Svenja Hahn, Katerina Konečná, Sergey Lagodinsky, Kim Van Sparrentak, Axel Voss and Kosma Złotowski sent a letter to the EU AI Office calling for greater inclusion of civil society and stakeholders in the drafting of ethical codes for general-purpose artificial intelligence (AI).