As she repeatedly said, von der Leyen wants to limit social media’s power. She feels “very strongly” about that. As she condemns the impact that social medias have on society, especially on young people, she is simultaneously acting to force online platforms to better moderate their content.
“European health systems are set to face ten difficult years, with the growing needs of an ageing population, rising chronic diseases, shortages of medicines and…
We all know how much the COVID-19 crisis impacted on our lives and health. Numbers from Eurostat can only support this statement. 6% of total health expenditure in 2021 were accounted on public and private preventive care, compared to 2019 and 2020, which respectively reached 2.9% and 3.5%.
Dr. Andrija Štampar, a prominent figure in 20th-century public health from Croatia, envisioned an innovative healthcare system. He prioritised preventive medicine over curative approaches, laying the foundation for modern public health practices.
By Paolo Bozzacchi and Gaia De Scalzi |
06 May 2024
Guenter (Merck) warns: policies too slow and little venture capital With more than 350 years of history, Merck is the oldest pharmaceutical company in the…
The informal Health EU Council, held on April 23rd-24th, engaged in discussions concerning the health workforce, medicine shortages, and initiatives targeting non-communicable diseases.
The concept of data spaces and initiatives like the European Health Data Space (EHDS) have gained momentum as part of the European Union’s broader data strategy.
Toscana Life Sciences: Navigating EU Collaborations and Insights,’ Commission representatives, Members of the European Parliament, and eminent European scientists convened to explore the continent’s most pressing health issues.