Giampiero Gramaglia's articles

Giampiero Gramaglia began his journalistic career at La Provincia Pavese in 1972. From 1976 to 1979 he worked for the Gazzetta del Popolo in Turin, for which he opened a Brussels correspondence office in 1979. In 1980, he moved to the Brussels Office of Ansa, the Italian news agency, becoming its head in 1984. He covered the European Economic Community and NATO for ten years. In 1989, he returned to Rome as the Foreign Editor, and from 1990, he served as the Central Foreign Editor. From 1997, he was the Deputy Director of Ansa, with a mandate for foreign news and sports. In 1999, he went on to lead the Ansa office in Paris, and in 2000, he became responsible for North America, based in Washington. From December 2006 to June 2009, he was the director of Ansa. Afterwards, he managed Agence Europe in Brussels and then the Italian edition of Euractiv, served as the deputy director of La Presse, managed, was the General Secretary of the European Press Center, and president of Infocivica. He is a scientific advisor for the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) and regularly contributes to both traditional and online media (Il Fatto Quotidiano, periodicals, radio, TV, etc.). He is a member of the board of directors of the Foreign Relations Committee.

By Giampiero Gramaglia | 15 July 2024

EU: European Parliament, von der Leyen in the balance, Meloni votes key, helpful or deadly

The new European Parliament, which emerged from the 9 June elections, meets in Strasbourg from tomorrow until Friday. It must give, or not, its investiture to the President-designate of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen: it is a vote still in the balance, in which the MEPs of Fratelli d’Italia play a key role. Their votes may prove necessary, in order to guarantee UvdL a majority, but also lethal, because they may deprive it of the majority that supports it on paper.

By Giampiero Gramaglia | 24 June 2024

Wars: from the Lebanon alarm in the Middle East to Ukraine high tension’s between Russia and the US

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres expresses grave concern that “Lebanon will become another Gaza”. He says speaking to journalists at the Glass Palace in New York, while distressing and alarming, but also contradictory, political, military and humanitarian information continues to arrive from Israel and the Gaza Strip on the wars that could continue to ensue.

ecr reconquete
By Giampiero Gramaglia | 11 June 2024

European elections: the Big turn to the right, Europe keeps the bar in the middle

Big shocks in Germany and France, with the advances of extreme right-wing parties and the defeats of the ruling parties, especially the Social Democrats and President Emmanuel Macron’s Renaissance, who dissolved the Assemblée nationale and called immediate general elections. In the major EU countries, only in Italy and Poland do the ruling forces win.