By Gianni Pittella | 19 June 2024
EU top jobs, European Parties’ chess game
The candidacy of Ursula von der Leyen for the presidency of the European Commission is in a critical phase due to the cross-vetoes among the European political groups …
Graduated in Medicine and Surgery, he is an authoritative expert on European policies and local authorities, internationally recognized. Former President and Vice-President of the European Parliament, he has also been a deputy in Italy and, more recently, a senator. Moreover, he has served as President of the Socialist and Democrats party in the European Parliament. Today, he is the Mayor of his hometown, Lauria, in the province of Potenza. He has an intense editorial activity, with the publication of articles and essays.
The candidacy of Ursula von der Leyen for the presidency of the European Commission is in a critical phase due to the cross-vetoes among the European political groups …
Analyses on the outcome of the European elections are fairly unanimous. With regard to the results in our country, the vote, although characterised by a very high abstention rate, rewarded Forza Italia, the Democratic Party (PD) and AVS (Alleanza Verdi Sinistra) and punished the Lega and the centre parties
The environment surrounding us and the challenges ahead underscore the crucial importance of the upcoming European elections …
With the European elections just around the corner, it’s time to assess the past five years of European legislative session.
On November 22, the European Parliament approved a proposal for the reform of the European treaties following the Conference on the Future of Europe.
Reasons it is necessary to transform the current European budget into a federal budget, equipped with substantial own resources and characterized by the protagonism of the European Parliament
Faced with the ongoing uncertainties of the United States, the issue of replicating the eurobond scheme of the Next Generation EU for defense has emerged.
Mario Draghi’s latest intervention offers a crystal-clear analysis of globalization, the great betrayed promises of the post-1989 world, and what should be done today by far-sighted and courageous political leaders.
This revolution, called the Green Deal, comes with precise deadlines. Only the naive could think that all this would come at no cost.
I won’t delve into the motivations behind the protests; what strikes me is the sense of vulnerability of the institutions, not only the European ones
Today, the European Council will meet in an extraordinary session to discuss the mid-term revision of the EU’s long-term budget for 2021-2027
Who commands in Europe? In the pantheon of European builders, we find, not by chance, Kohl and Mitterrand, Colombo, Delors, Monnet, and Spinelli, and in more recent times, Merkel, Macron, and Draghi.