by Giampiero Gramaglia

USA 2024: – 112, soft tones between Biden and Trump after failed attack. Rep convention begins

Donald Trump is already in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where the convention that is to officially nominate him as the Republican candidate for the White House opens today.

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by Gianni Pittella

EU top jobs, European Parties’ chess game

The candidacy of Ursula von der Leyen for the presidency of the European Commission is in a critical phase due to the cross-vetoes among the European political groups …

european parties
by Editorial Staff

EU leaders do not flaunt responsiveness after Biden’s step back

US President Joe Biden’s step back found a lukewarm response among EU leaders as most of them have tended not to follow up on Biden’s announcement.

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by Editorial Staff

The new structure of the EP committees and subcommittees

Of the 24 committees and subcommittees in the European Parliament, 8 are allocated to the EPP, 5 to S&D, 4 to Renew Europe, 3 to ECR and the Greens, and 2 to The Left. No committees were assigned to the Patriots for Europe and Europe of Sovereign Nations.

by Alessandro Cozza

The mobilisation against Hunger and Poverty from Brazil

President of Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva imposed the entrance of a Task Force for a Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty in the…

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by Paolo Bozzacchi

Italy multilateral and peacekeeper: Meloni in China

Italian Prime minister Giorgia Meloni closes a circle. And as G7 President she flies to China for a very strategic official visit that reaffirms the…